Dear reader I would like to introduce myself as the new Director of the China Office for Griggs International Academy. I will be using this blog to give you updates about the GIA schools in the Asia region, letting you know what we are up to and what we hope to achieve in the coming year. First though, here is a little about me.
My husband and I moved to China in 2014 for a new challenge. We began working in the GIA American Program at Kunshan International School from September 2015 and I became the American Program Coordinator in February of 2017. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the American Program alongside some incredible colleagues. I am now excited to have the opportunity to continue working with the team at KSIS and with other teams in China and beyond to ensure the GIA schools in the region continue their great success.
We have an exciting project this year called the Rise Up Program, where students will have the opportunity to showcase their talents in the performing arts, sciences and sports and I’ll work closely with representatives from all schools to make this Program as successful as possible. More details on that to come later.
We are still facing immense difficulties due to the pandemic, and I know schools are doing their upmost to ensure students get the best education during this challenging time. Support for schools is vital at this time to ensure students achieve the best outcomes academically but also socially and emotionally.
Until the next blog, be kind to yourself and look after each other.